Sunday, September 27, 2020

Great Fall weather for this Saturday's Rio Rodeo

12th annual Rio Grande Rodeo
Saturday, October 3, 2020

7:00am to 8:00am - registration
8:00am to 12 noon - fishing
Shelter #2, LaFreniere Park, Metairie
$15 entry fee includes lunch & refreshments

A reminder that this Saturday, it's the annual Rio Grande Rodeo sponsored by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club. This is a fly fishing only tournament for the Rio Grande cichlid that inhabits the waters of Orleans and Jefferson parishes. Two categories will be awarded: Longest Rio and Most Rios.

While most fishing events have been cancelled since March due to Covid-19 or more recently, tropical storms, the Rio Rodeo is set to go on. Weather should be ideal - forecast calls for SUNNY and high of 72 degrees! Participants are asked to wear masks when gathering and maintain proper distancing.

Although the early registration is passed, onsite registration is available from 7:00am to 8:00am at tourney headquarters at LaFreniere Park. Look for the NOFF signs at Shelter #2. To speed up registration, please print and fill out the registration form below and bring it with you that morning.

Registration Form

After registration, you may branch out to any PUBLIC accessible fishing waters in the boundary area (Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines parishes). Just make sure to be back for the 12 noon weigh-in deadline.  

Raffle.  We'll be holding a raffle to help Casting For Recovery. The prize is a TFO fly rod. Tickets are $10 each, or $20 for 3 tickets.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sept 29th Tying Tuesday - Countach Plus Nymph

Virtual Fly Tying
Tuesday, September 29th
6:00pm (see email for meeting id)

VTT is open to all members of recognized fly fishing clubs. Join the meeting at using meeting ID and password. Members of Kisatchie Fly Fishers, Acadiana Fly Rodders, and Red Stick Fly Fishers should receive this by email.If you did not receive the ID and password, email Bill Morrison.

For this session, Catch Cormier will lead us in tying the "Countach Nymph Plus".  Or "Knuckle Dragger Plus".  The story is that Clark "Cheech" Pierce created the Countach Nymph while John Newbury created an almost identical fly called the Knuckle Dragger. When the two were both named to the Fulling Mill Pro Staff, they learned of each other's fly. And had a good laugh. Great minds think alike!

Whatever you decide to call it, definitely include the "Plus".  The plus is the addition of antron in the abdomen and a tiny marabou tail. Catch says the original is a killer for trout and bream, but the "Plus" version is 🔥

Materials to be used:
- hook: barbless jig, size 12 (Gamakatsu J20-B, Fulling Mill 5045)
- bead: 1/8" tungsten, black nickel
- legs: grizzly flutter legs, rootbeer (1 strand)
- abdomen: antron dubbing, color Rust or March Brown
- thorax: micro pine squirrel zonker, color Rust
- ribbing: midge diamond braid (twisted), color tan or pearl or rootbeer

* To request a bag of sample materials (ties 2-3 flies) please fill out the form link. We will mail out on Thursday prior to the meeting. Future tying sessions are included. Materials Request Form

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

September 15th Tying Tuesday - Elk Hair Caddis

Virtual Fly Tying
, September 15th
6:00pm (see email for meeting id)

VTT is open to all members of Kisatchie Fly Fishers & Acadiana Fly Rodders. Join the meeting at using meeting ID and password. If you need the ID and password, email Bill Morrison.

For this session, Bill Morrison will lead us in tying the Elk Hair Caddis. Created by Ed Troth in 1957, the EHC is considered the best searching type imitation of adult caddisflies. Caddis, a.k.a. sedgeflies, are a major food source to many species and are found in nearly all trout waters. However, the Elk Hair Caddis has also been used with good success as a cricket imitation for bluegill.

* To request a bag of sample materials (ties 2-3 flies) please fill out the form link. We will mail out on Thursday prior to the meeting. Future tying sessions are included. Materials Request Form

Upcoming sessions:
- September 29 - 6:00pm - Countach Plus Nymph, led by Catch Cormier
- October 13 - TBA soon