Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Here's wishing all our Acadiana Fly Rodders club members and friends, and all of their families, a most blessed holiday season. Hope everyone finds something under the Christmas tree they can use for their piscatorial pursuits in the coming year.

While Christmas is a season of festivity, let's not forget the reason for the season: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us….” John 1:14. Please be giving to those in need, and pray for those who are less fortunate, for those in suffering, and for those away from their families this season.

We also wish everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year.  With the new year brings a flurry of regional events - please see the Calendar page for the activities and dates.  Also, our club has a couple of activities planned for 2025, so stay tuned! 


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

December activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, December 19th

Pack & Paddle Outpost (behind P&P)
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Join us this month at the Pack & Paddle Outpost (behind the shop) for a year end get together. Come and enjoy some gumbo while sharing your favorite experiences of the year and ideas for next year's AFR topics.  So bring your favorite beverage and plenty of tales to share. Also, bring a couple of your favorite flies from the past year, purchased or tied it doesn't matter. We'll put them into a fly swap.  

Come early and browse P&P for your Christmas wish list, or something for your gift list.

Acadiana Bugs and Brews

With Christmas the day before, and the various family activities, we will not have a tying night this month.  We look forward to starting a new tying year with something for Sac-au-lait.  So mark your calendars for January 23rd and until then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

November activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, November 21st

Pack & Paddle Outpost (behind P&P)
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Guests are welcome!

Apologies for the cancellation last month, but join us Thursday, Nov 21st at 6:00 pm in the Pack and Paddle Outpost (behind the shop) and we’ll cover the dubbing presentation we had to miss last month.

We’ll watch several videos that provide an overview of dubbing materials as well as how different dubbing techniques can affect how dubbing materials can look and behave as you tie and then we’ll have different materials available and you can try some out on a couple vises or bring your favorite to demonstrate.

Come early and browse P&P for your Christmas wish list, or something for your gift list.

Also, prepare for December as we'll gather for a meal and discuss our favorite memories for the year along with a fly raffle.

Acadiana Bugs and Brews

The 4th Thursday Bugs and Brews falls on Thanksgiving day so we’ll skip and try to pick up in December after Christmas.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October Bugs & Brew, general meeting cancelled

AFR general meeting - CANCELLED

Our October general meeting is cancelled.  We'll be back in November - on the 3rd Thursday - with an interesting program.

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, club members are on hand to assist any beginners. Bring your favorite beverage to Bugs & Brews, and enjoy a cold one while tying and sharing fishing tales.

This month there's no pre-planned demo, so bring whatever you're working on and maybe show us a new fly.  If you're new to tying, as mentioned above, someone from AFR will be happy to assist you. We'll have some extra fly materials for you to follow along if you see a fly you'd like to tie.

So bring your favorite beverage and a fly to tie and enjoy a fall evening with other tyers.

For all these events, come early and get in a little retail therapy at our fine sponsors in Pack & Paddle.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, September 19th

Pack & Paddle Outpost (behind P&P)
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Join us Thursday, September 19th as club member Pat Bienvenu gives us a presentation on "Fishing Vermillion Bay".  Vermillion Bay has a reputation for being difficult, and Pat has a reputation for catching Speckled Trout there. Come and hear what Pat looks for and how he successfully probes the water of this estuary.

As always, guests are welcome!

Natchitoches Fly Fishing Tie-In
Saturday, September 14th

9am - 4pm
Natchitoches Chamber Building
716 Second St, Natchitoches, LA

This event is being hosted by the ArkLaTexOma Fly Tiers, an independent group of fly tiers from the four corners region. This event is free and open to the public. Many of the top tiers from across the region will be on hand to demonstrate a wide range of patterns. 

According to Mike Hawkins, there's room for more tiers - contact Mike at

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, September 26th

Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand to assist any beginners. Bring your favorite beverage to Bugs & Brews, and enjoy a cold one while tying and sharing fishing tales.  Attendees can tie whatever flies they want. However, we usually have a featured tier who demonstrates a particular fly, and attendees can join in to tie that pattern.  Materials are provided. 

This month, Pat Bienvenu will demonstrate the Popping Flats Shrimp from Backwater Fly Fishing. It's a great pattern for specks and reds as Fall begins. Come early and get in a little retail therapy at our fine sponsors in Pack & Paddle.

Rio Grande Rumble
Saturday, September 28th

Weigh-in: No Wake Outfitters
1926 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA
Registration: $20

Our neighboring club in New Orleans - New Orleans Fly Fishers Club - is hosting their 15th annual Rio Grande Rumble Fly Fishing Rodeo on the 28th. The target species is the invasive and wary Rio Grande cichlid. Categories are Longest and Most. Fishing starts at 6:52am  and ends at 12:30pm.

Pre-registration is available on the NOFFC website. Anglers can also register the morning of the tournament at No Wake Outfitters. For complete details, and to pre-register, go to

Friday, August 9, 2024

August activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Join us on August 15th as Capt. Ron Begnaud gives us a presentation on targeting Bull Reds here in South Louisiana.  Capt. Ron and his Redchaser Guide Service have been successfully targeting big redfish on the fly for many years so don’t miss this opportunity to hear what Ron looks for and the techniques he uses.

Ron has fly fished from the Lake Calcasieu Estuary to Grand Isle and he’ll present information that can help you target Bull Reds on the fly in various areas and times of year.  One presentation you don’t want to miss!

As always, guests are welcome!

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand to assist any beginners. Bring your favorite beverage to Bugs & Brews, and enjoy a cold one while tying and sharing fishing tales.

As always, attendees can tie whatever flies they want.  However, for those interested, Mike Carlin will demonstrate and assist others in tying his version of Capt. Joe Blado's Crease Fly.  The Crease Fly is a super effective topwater minnow made from sheet foam.  As always, tools are available for use during the session and materials will be provided.

For all these events, come early and get in a little retail therapy at our fine sponsors in Pack & Paddle.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July Activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, July 18, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month join us as Darin Lee gives us a talk on his chartered trip to the Chandeleur Islands over the July 4th weekend.  In addition to the details of his trip and preparations, he will discuss some of the the other charter options available for fishing the Chandeleurs. 

Also, Darin will present a bit of info on the restoration efforts underway to sustain the islands and seagrasses.

As always, guests are welcome!  

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand to assist any beginners. Bring your favorite beverage to Bugs & Brews, and enjoy a cold one while tying and sharing fishing tales.

This month, Darin Lee returns to demonstrate Bob Popovic's Bulkhead Deceiver. It's a great suspending baitfish pattern that catches fish, and is surprisingly simple to tie. Darin will introduce some techniques for tying with bucktail.  

Tiers are then welcome to tie their whatever flies they wish, but if interested in tying the Bulkhead Deceiver, materials will be available.  For beginners, tools are available for use during the session.

For all these events, come early and get in a little retail therapy at our fine sponsors in Pack & Paddle.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June activities

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, June 20, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month, John Williams gives us a talk on his trip with Becky to Mexico where they did a bit of tarpon fishing, among other things.  John will discuss the flies used, accomodations available and how they found a guide.  Should be a great program!

As always, guests are welcome!  

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. We are a group of independent tiers who gather for the enjoyment of tying and to share stories and cold beer. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand to assist any beginners.

This month, our featured fly tier will be Ray Boudreaux. Ray will demonstrate the tying of his famous Black Boudreaux.  Bring your vise and tools, materials will be available for those wishing to tie a copy of this great pattern.

For all these events, come early and get in a little retail therapy at our fine sponsors in Pack & Paddle.

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 16th meeting - Flycasting Faults & Fixes

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, May 16, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month join us as we focus on fly casting.  We’ll watch one of the best videos ever made on the subject: Mel Krieger’s “Flycasting Faults and Fixes" details various flycasting problems and their solutions. Whether you're a novice or have been flycasting for some time, there's likely something in the video to help you improve your casting skills. 

Afterwards, we'll have a brief open discussion on some of the topics covered.  

Come early and get in a little casting practice beforehand, weather permitting. Or check into Pack & Paddle and get some retail therapy

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 18th meeting - Rotary Vise tips and techniques

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, April 18, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month club member Darin Lee will lead a demo on "Getting the Most from your Rotary Vise".  Whether you currently tie flies on a rotary vise or are thinking about tying on a rotary, we will discuss the types of vises and demo several techniques that fully utilize the rotary features of a full rotary vise.  

So bring your vise and tie along and even bring along any rotary techniques that work for you and pass them on.

Come early and get some retail therapy inside Pack & Paddle. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

March 21st meeting - Making Trips Memorable

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, March 21, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month, we are fortunate to once again have Doug Blair as our special guest. Doug will present on "Getting the Most From our Fly Fishing Trips".  Doug is twice past president of Acadiana Fly Rodders, a bamboo rod maker, a fly fishing adventurer, and an avid photographer.  He'll share photos and accounts of his most meaningful fly fishing trips, and how he makes indedible memories of them for his friends and family.

Come early and get in a little casting practice beforehand, weather permitting. Or check into Pack & Paddle and get some retail therapy.  This promises to be a great program... hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Make plans for Red Stick Day March 9th

29th annual Red Stick Day
Saturday, March 9, 2024

8:30am to 3:00pm
LDWF Waddill Outdoor Education Center
4141 North Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA

Red Stick Day is one of the longest-running fly fishing festivals in the South. Hosted by our friends at Red Stick Fly Fishers club, there's seminars, fly tying demos, casting instruction, food, loads of raffle items, and more.  And best of all, admission is free!

The event will again be held at the Waddill Education Center.  The ponds on the premises are full of big bass and bluegill.  In addition, Masseys Outfitters will be on hand with a variety of kayaks from Hobie, Native and other brands for folks to test paddle/pedal.

This year's presenters include Dave Barron, Brian Roberts, and Jim Lanasa. Several FFI Certified Casting Instructors will be on hand including Dave, Jeff Ferguson (both MCIs) and Roger del Rio, Bill Morrison and Glen 'Catch' Cormier (all CIs). If you've ever wanted to learn more about any type of casting, or improve your casting skills, this is a grand opportunity to learn from the best.

Over a dozen of the region's top fly tiers will also be on hand to demonstrate their various flies, along with their favorite legacy patterns. A jambalaya lunch with salad and drink is available for just $10.  There's also a giant raffle and silent auction featuring one-of-a-kind items, all to benefit the club's educational projects.

Details about the event, including speaker and tier bios, schedule of activities, and more can be found by going to and clicking on "Red Stick Day" in the menu. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Feb. 22nd Acadiana Bugs & Brews

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette
Open to the public

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. We are a group of independent tiers who gather for the enjoyment of tying and to share stories and cold beer. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand and happy to assist any beginners.

This month, Flip Siragusa will demonstrate the "Down & Dirty" Cork Panfish Popper.  He started making these years ago, and while nothing fancy, they provide a foundation for more detailed versions. You can take one of these from start to finish including painting and gluing in under an hour.

Materials will be provided for those who wish to follow along. Bring your tools and thread - 140 or 6/0 size is fine in red or black. If you don't have tools, some are available for use during the session. Or just come and watch.  Come early and get some retail therapy in Pack and Paddle.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Feb. 15th meeting - Leaders for Panfish

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Pack & Paddle Outpost
601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

With spring on the way, join us this month as Darin Lee leads a discussion on leaders for panfishing with an emphasis on using indicator rigs and popper/droppers.  We’ll discuss several options for each method and give you opportunities to tie up a leader you might not have tried before.

Guests are welcome!  Come early and get in a little retail therapy in Pack And Paddle.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Jan. 25th Acadiana Bugs & Brews

Acadiana Bugs & Brews
Thursday, January 25, 2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Acadiana Bugs & Brews is an open community fly tying event usually held the fourth Thursday of each month. We are a group of independent tiers who gather for the enjoyment of tying and to share stories and cold beer. Though not affiliated with Acadiana Fly Rodders, several club members are usually on hand and happy to assist any beginners.

This month, Darrin Lee will demonstrate "The Bug", a pattern he was supposed to show at the AFR meeting earlier this month. Due to illness he had to cancel, so attendees tied a different fly. But Darrin is back and healthy, and will demonstrate his fly for Bugs & Brews.

As always, this event is open to the public.  Bring your tools if you have any.  If not, we have tools available for use during the session.  Or just come and watch.  Come early and get some retail therapy in Pack and Paddle.

Friday, January 12, 2024

January 18th meeting - "The Bug"

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, January 18,  2024

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month, Darren Lee will tie one of Gunnar Brammer's streamers, "The Bug".  It's a great small fly that can mimic a lot of prey like a darker baitfish or crawfish.  It's tied with a couple different pheasant feathers and some flashabou dubbing. 

Guests are welcome.  Bring your vise and tying tools if you wish to tie along.  Materials will be provided.

Come early and get in a little retail therapy at Pack & Paddle.