Monday, October 24, 2022

Toledo Bend Rendezvous this weekend

A reminder that this weekend, October 28-30, marks the return of Rendezvous at North Toledo Bend State Park in Zwolle, LA.  For 33 years, one of the longest running casual gatherings of fly tiers in the country. 

Open to everyone, whether you tie flies or just enjoy watching.  The group facilities allow for overnight stays.  With only a minimal fee to cover lodging and activities. The event is open to everyone, and families are encouraged!

It’s never too late to make plans to attend.  You can read more details by going to the Rendezvous website at

Friday, October 14, 2022

Oct 20th meeting - Tying the Inch Minnow

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, October 20, 2022

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Unfortunately with the earlier sunsets, we wouldn't have much time to hold our fishing meeting at Moncus Park as earlier planned.  So in lieu of, we'll be demonstrating the tying of a 3" long version of the "Inch Minnow".  This pattern looks to be a killer in either fresh or saltwater as it can be modified to resemble a variety of forage species.  

Anyone wishing to tie the pattern should bring their vise and tools. Materials will be available. For those without vise/tools, the club will have a few available for use during the session.

As always, the public is welcome. Come early and bring your fly rod and join us for casting on the lawn behind Pack & Paddle. Or just come early and see what the store has to offer.