Monday, August 22, 2022

August Open Fly Tying Night

Acadiana Open Community Fly Tying Night
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Pack & Paddle Outpost
Hosted by Pack & Paddle, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

Our friends at Pack & Paddle will be hosting another open fly tying night. All are welcome, beginners also! Flip Siragusa will kick things off by demonstrating his version of the Borski Slider. Afterwards, tiers will hit the vises, tie any flies they want, hang out, etc.

There will be beer! Feel free to bring your own, or bring some snacks. Ron Begnaud will also provide some music. This is a free event, but please sign up so we'll know how many tables (and beer) to have. To sign up, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

August 18th meeting - proposed river diversion projects

AFR monthly meeting
Thursday, August 18, 2022

6:00pm meeting
Pack & Paddle Outpost, 601 E. Pinhook, Lafayette

This month, club member Darren Lee will be our speaker. Darren is with the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Association (CPRA). He will give a presentation on the proposed Mississippi River diversion projects in Plaquemines Parish. These projects are an effort to stem the tide of coastal erosion and subsidience by building thousands of acres from river sediment.

As always, the public is welcome. Come early and bring your fly rod and join us for casting on the lawn behind Pack & Paddle. Or just come early and see what the store has to offer.